Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Meal Time for Peanut the Poodle

Meal time is the most exciting and delightful time for Peanut because dog food smells good and it is delicious and nutritious. Just watch the video; he is jumping up and down and ready to sink his teeth into the food.

Peanut will be four years old by the end of July. Dog food is his stable food because it is made to promote energy, growth and provide proper maintenance of his health. We understand that puppy food is higher in protein and enriched with vitamins, minerals, and fats essential for growth. Moreover, dog food must meet the nutrient requirements for standards of growth established by AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials).

Previously his food is fish-based. Now it is meat-based (chicken) mixed with vegetables. It is the right choice because we have noticed that his stool is not hard any more

Initially we softened his food in water and now he does not like to eat, so we pound his food into smaller pieces to make it easier for him to chew and digest . We feed him five times a day at regular intervals at around 8 am, 11 am , 3 pm, 7 pm and 11 pm. Each time he is given a tablespoonful of dog food. Clean water is provided for him throughout the day.

 Peanut is now full of energy and running around quickly and climbing stairs swiftly.

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